Getting Outside a Box / by Chris Maynard

Andrea’s Bird, adapted from a sumi-e sketch of my mother’s (she was an artist)

Andrea’s Bird, adapted from a sumi-e sketch of my mother’s (she was an artist)

“It’s tempting to hide in small rooms built from quick answers”. Merlin Sheldrake, in his book, Entangled Life. His research into fungus points toward life as much more complicated than we think; like our bodies being composed of more fungus and microorganism cells than animal cells. So, he asks, “who are we?” Are we really the individuals we think we are? Or are we less well defined, whole environments working together to make what we imagine to be our our free will?

When I consider this, I let go of my quick answers and habits of viewing the world. Then sounds become sharper and the grass appears greener.

This kind of thinking attracts me because I want my art to pleasantly surprise people after they view it, to see the world a little differently, with more sparkle.