Our Most Treasured Sense / by Chris Maynard

Binocs, turkey feather,

Every time I use binoculars, microscopes, and eyeglasses, I appreciate the people and technologies that make them. All our senses give us important ways to know and interpret our surroundings and for most of us, sight seems the most important. It seems that birds are of the same opinion. Like my envy of birds’ abilities to fly, I am envious of their sight. This is because their vision is better than ours in several respects like color perception and movement, though mostly I am thinking of many birds’ visual acuity. For instance, the detail an eagle can see at eighty feet, we would have to be at twenty. As I was writing this, I found myself reading, going down a rabbit hole of studies and abstracts on bird vision. If you feel inclined, the references at the end of this Wikipedia page on bird vision is a good start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_vision